Gold: $ 1291.40 Silver: $ 15.49 Palladium: $ 1374.00

Dateline: Del Mar, CA: Thursday, January 17, 2019:

According to John Mauldin, frequent contributor to both The New York Times and Forbes Online magazine, the Fed’s obsession with Quantitative Easing (QE Infinity) combined with a vibrating and volatile economy place investors, bondholders and many financial speculators in a position where they should:

  “Start thinking about a storm shelter.”


The main FED led and orchestrated economic policies and would-be preventative measures that Mr. Mauldin takes issue with are: Quantitative Easing and fluctuating interest rates.

Mr. Mauldin sees these economic tinkering efforts as causing as much trouble as they mean to correct.

First National Bullion agrees heartily with Mr. Maudlin. FNB sees difficult days ahead for investors that take positions largely in equity and high-risk-derivative markets.

FNB suggests that investors, speculators, bondholders and all who manage or oversee portions of their family’s portfolios begin to move portions of their holdings into: gold and silver.

FNB operates under the SPFP principle:

  • S = Sound
  • P = Personal
  • F = Financial
  • P = Protection

Moving larger portions of your financial asset base into the safe haven of precious metals makes sense in these highly turbulent times. The high-degree of volatilities and uncertainty require investors  to rethink their allocation models.

First Nation Bullion, a national thought and precious metals leader agrees with Mr. Mauldin that investors need to:

  “Start thinking (now) about storm shelters.”

Jon Cavuoto,

Founder and Owner,

First National Bullion