Gold:  $ 1288.60  Silver; $ 15.13   Palladium: $ 1526.00

Dateline: Del Mar, CA: Thursday, March 07, 2019

FNB has a well-developed, well-defined economic calculus model. That model is based upon what FNB calls and coined: “Spendability.”

“Spendability” = what a dollar can reasonably achieve as expected and (fair) exchange value.

“Spendability” considers many seemingly disparate and non-aligned factors. Factors that when taken into the greater and larger, ‘whole’ begin to form up what is the American economic engine.

Gold and Silver as Essential Financial Bedrock and Key Personal Financial Building Blocks:

FNB envisions a time when economic collapse is possible in the United States of America. That as a given and more than just a passing thought or whimsy, let’s look into precisely the factors that will 100 % bolster gold and silver ownership going forward.

Own Gold and Silver and Keep this As Personal Cache Because:

  • The Fed Will Not Stop! The printing of money, ‘OOTA’ = “Out of Thin Air!” only continues. This pool, moving to an economic cesspool of Federal Reserve ‘Notes’ is endless
  • Taxation and Extortionate Fee Structures and Regulatory Mismanagement: these boondoggles and governmental oversight and overreach are going to multiply like never seen before. As politicians’ greed grows lusty and unchecked by reason, new and expanded ‘revenue’ sources (for them and their wishes and demands) will be sought out. Sought out and then implemented
  • Confiscatory Practices and Outright Seizure and Forfeiture of Assets: governments and politicians at every level of operation continue to expand their ability to confiscate assets and their capacity to extract assets from citizens. This is not only not going to stop or slow down, this is going to accelerate and expand. The days to come are going to see massive enforcement agencies and actions
  • Poor Planning and Inadequate Infrastructure: right now, politicos at every level simply ignore and obfuscate the issues of infrastructure. But citizens live with these increasing hazards and impediments. One day, this is going to stop and politicians will be forced by their electorate to pay attention. Then, new and expanded taxation and revenue expansion schemes will be conceived. Conceived and enacted

“ESI” = The Emptied Spendability Index Triggers:

As these facts and forces are triggered, the end-game is that “ESI” swamps the United States’ economy. Dollars no longer function the way they ‘used to’. Inflation, or, deflation or at least, ‘dollar fatigue’ kick into swift motion.

The end result is that gold and silver values do not shift. They skyrocket. This scene and these scenarios may happen gradually. Or, there may be the hidden and unlooked for, ‘Big Event’ that flips the switch and the valuations move overnight.

However you see this developing, one bedrock principal rides fast: Gold and Silver Simply Must be A Part of Your Holdings and Portfolio.

FNB posits and strongly asserts that capitalism and the capacity to own, manage and profit from the collective of private properties and/or business initiatives is a driving force that America and its leaders simply must protect.

FNB remains diligent and unwavering in the call for common, average American people to seek out the Safe Havens of gold and silver coins, and gold and silver bullion.

FNB, a national precious metals industry leader and reputable gold and silver coin dealer urges investors, bond-holders, speculators and all who manage and/or oversee their family’s financial portfolio begin now migrating larger allocations into the historical safe harbors  of: Gold and Silver.

Jon Cavuoto,

Founder and Owner,

First Nation Bullion

For direct consultation with a gold and silver expert contact FNB:

