Gold: $ 1331.20  Silver: $ 15.99 Palladium:  $ 1527.00

Dateline:  Del Mar, CA: Monday, February 25, 2019

FNB has a well-developed, and well-defined economic calculus model. That model is based upon what FNB calls and coined: “Spendability.”

“Spendability” = what a dollar can reasonably achieve as expected exchange value.

Let’s look at how, “Spendability” works in the real world:

  • Item or asset is marked as having this much value in US Dollar(s)
  • Item or asset is understood to garner and/or receive so much value and/or so many dollars in exchange for either the purchase or sale of that good or service
  • Item  or asset has a stable range that it trades in and an expected level of balance in terms of its market presence and/or its reasonable marketability
  • Dollars are understood to carry the ability to manage and precisely, not guesswork or, approximation, but precisely balance out each agreed upon exchange or commercial event or individual transaction
  • Dollars received or spent are a reliable and mutually agreed upon method of payment and/or expected payment
  • Trust and fair play: all parties enter into agreements to buy, sell, barter, or trade with the anticipation that the dollars either spent or received ‘carry the day’. And thus, no ambiguity or variance is even hinted at, let alone exits
  • Satisfaction: US Dollars provide the satisfaction and agreed upon balance that fairly and rightly evens out each and every transaction, sale or barter

The “ESI” = “Emptied Spendability Index.”

There is a day coming when people will not walk, they will race to their local bank.

There is a day coming when people will race to their bank to withdraw much needed funds to pay for groceries and buy gasoline and purchase baby formula.

There is a day coming when millions of Americans will crush their local branches of their local bank and with cries of desperation appeal for cash supplies.

That day will arrive. And in that day of the cash rush: banks will close. Why? The banks simply will not be able to accommodate the physical, cash demands of their formerly loyal customers.


Because inflation will have ‘kicked into high gear’ and what was a dollar’s worth yesterday, or, even two hours previously, now is worth considerably less than.

The Fed will print larger and larger quantities of cash to support the same amount of economic activity that once the dollar supply satisfied.

That’s inflation. And those kinds of scenarios are coming to community banks across our great nation.

Next time, we begin breaking down and parsing out and unpacking: “ESI.”

Next time, we will speak into the unspeakable wreckage that out of control currency issuance infuses into a nation and its economy.

FNB posits and strongly asserts that capitalism and the capacity to own, manage and profit from the collective of private properties and/or business initiatives is a driving force that America and its leaders simply must protect.

FNB remains diligent and unwavering in the call for common, average American people to seek out the Safe Havens of gold and silver coins, and gold and silver bullion.

FNB, a national precious metals industry leader and reputable gold and silver coin dealer urges investors, bond-holders, speculators and all who manage and/or oversee their family’s financial portfolio begin now migrating larger allocations into the historical safe harbors  of: Gold and Silver.

Jon Cavuoto,

Founder and Owner,

First Nation Bullion

For direct consultation with a gold and silver expert contact FNB:  

