Gold: $ 1298.50 Silver: $ 15.64 Palladium: $ 1338.00

Dateline: Del Mar, CA: Friday, January 25, 2019

Today FNB dives (this will become an ongoing and expansive discussion topic) into the role central banks play in nations’ economic policy and financial structure and wealth build.

Central Bank: (Sen-tral Bangk):

  “Central bank(s) are a (independent) national bank that produces financial and banking services for its country’s government and commercial banking system. As well as implements that government’s monetary policy and issues currency.”

Ideally, a central bank functions to build wealth and provide a stable currency for businesses and enterprises to thrive. Historically, the role of central banks in producing stabilized economic conditions through its financial tinkering has created anything but stable, economic environments.

Many believe that it is the misguided economic policies of central banks that either cause and/or exacerbate:

  • Financial tremors and financial bubbles. Financial tremors that eventually shift and financial bubbles that eventually pop
  • Mismanaged economic futures. Many see the monopolistic approach of central banks as fostering and building imbalance because the central bank’s support always move to member institutions’ balance sheets first
  • Economic shortfalls: as central banks work to shore up the balance sheets of their member banking institutions, the very fact that potentially billions of dollars surge into banking ledgers de facto robs other groups, enterprises and  business concerns of the very cash and monetary access that they crave and require. Crave and require for fiscal stability and for future growth
  • Macro-economic expansion vs. micro-economic growth: the very fact that central banks operate via a complicated morass of ‘trickle down’ practices. Meaning: member banks’ balance sheets swell and lesser businesses and enterprises find themselves starved for capital reserves in many instances creates financial panics and increases the chance of financial disturbances in markets

In future pieces, FNB will address each of these itemized central bank functions and add to this list.

FNB believes the role of central banks going forward should be to create environments and financial conditions that foster prosperity across larger and larger swaths of the economic spectrum.

FNB remains diligent and unwavering in the call for common, average American people to seek out the Safe Havens of gold and silver coins, and gold and silver bullion.

FNB, a national precious metals industry leader and reputable gold and silver coin dealer urges investors, bond-holders, speculators and all who manage and/or oversee their family’s financial portfolio begin now migrating larger allocations into the historical safe harbors  of: Gold and Silver.

Jon Cavuoto,

Founder and Owner,

First Nation Bullion

For direct consultation with a gold and silver expert contact FNB:

