Gold:  $ 1295.20  Silver: $ 15.22  Palladium: $ 1549.00

Dateline: Del Mar, CA:  Thursday, March 14, 2019

FNB is in the process of examining what “Financial Panic” looks like, how it impacts institutions and individuals’ lives and how it crosses established country borders.

In this session, FNB looks into, “The Financial Cartwheel Affect.” Here’s a living sketch:

  • One financial institution fails to meet its obligations
  • Clients, customers, institutional fund managers and governmental agencies and their financial stability are thrown into immediate default
  • Financial instability and financial default begin to trigger response mechanisms in accounts, trading facilities, hedge-funds and derivatives across the globe
  • Institutions see and hear alerts and alarms going off throughout their entire sector
  • Accounts and account managers and compliance officers and BOD’s that have any type of fiduciary responsibility freeze and halt all trading in all categories of accounts
  • Exchanges and trading platforms that manage or oversee or facilitate any type of securities’ transactions halt activity and place an indefinite abstention on all trading and transactions
  • Money, that never sleeps, freezes and stalls in mid-flight
  • Buildings and corner offices empty and employees scatter
  • Managers and directors move into frenzied conference calls with colleagues and bureaucratic overseers
  • People and companies across the globe are denied all access to their private accounts
  • Local, national and the global economy grinds quickly to an abrupt stoppage

“The Financial Cartwheel Affect” = The Complete Lock down and Lockout of Financial Accessibility.

“The Financial Cartwheel Affect” = Funds Frozen + Accounts Locked Down + Access Denied.

Now what’s interesting is this is not fiction. This is far from hyperbole. This is not a doomsday scenario. This is what happens and the kind of probable outcome that might happen should one, let alone two or three, key financial institution fail to meet its obligations.

Next time, FNB address what the “Financial Panic Spectrum” looks like.

FNB posits and strongly asserts that capitalism and the capacity to own, manage and profit from the collective of private properties and/or business initiatives is a driving force that America and its leaders simply must protect.

FNB remains diligent and unwavering in the call for common, average American people to seek out the Safe Havens of Gold and Silver coins, and Gold and Silver bullion.

FNB, a national precious metals industry leader and reputable gold and silver coin dealer urges investors, bond-holders, speculators and all who manage and/or oversee their family’s financial portfolio begin now migrating larger allocations into the historical safe harbors  of: Gold and Silver

Jon Cavuoto,

Founder and Owner,

First Nation Bullion

For direct consultation with a gold and silver expert contact FNB:
